PSHE at Marsh Gibbon CE School
Please speak to Mrs Blane to find out more about our PSHE curriculum
At Marsh Gibbon School we aim to provide a curriculum that gives pupils the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to keep themselves healthy and safe, leaving primary school, equipped for the next stage in their education and become responsible members of the community. Our PSHE curriculum will ensure learners have good emotional literacy, high levels of resilience and know how to nurture their mental and physical health.
Our PSHE curriculum is rooted in the Jigsaw scheme of work as it aligns with our own school philosophy and vision. There are six annual strands (puzzle pieces) in Jigsaw that are designed to progress in sequence from September to July:
Autumn 1: Being Me in My World
Autumn 2: Celebrating Difference (including anti-bullying)
Spring 1: Dreams and Goals
Spring 2: Healthy Me
Summer 1: Relationships
Summer 2: Changing Me (including Sex Education)
We have the same high expectations of the quality of pupils’ work in these subjects as for other curriculum areas. A strong curriculum will build on the knowledge pupils have previously acquired, including in other subjects, with regular feedback provided on pupil progress.
Lessons are planned to ensure that pupils of differing abilities, including the most able, are suitably challenged.
Each lesson begins with a Flash Back Four, these are four questions which link back to the previous learning. The children are assessed during and at the end of each learning unit.
AT Marsh Gibbon School we expect all of our children to understand and value how they fit into and contribute to the world.
At Marsh Gibbon School we aim to provide a curriculum that gives pupils the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to keep themselves healthy and safe, leaving primary school, equipped for the next stage in their education and become responsible members of the community. Our PSHE curriculum will ensure learners have good emotional literacy, high levels of resilience and know how to nurture their mental and physical health.
Our PSHE curriculum is rooted in the Jigsaw scheme of work as it aligns with our own school philosophy and vision. There are six annual strands (puzzle pieces) in Jigsaw that are designed to progress in sequence from September to July:
Autumn 1: Being Me in My World
Autumn 2: Celebrating Difference (including anti-bullying)
Spring 1: Dreams and Goals
Spring 2: Healthy Me
Summer 1: Relationships
Summer 2: Changing Me (including Sex Education)
We have the same high expectations of the quality of pupils’ work in these subjects as for other curriculum areas. A strong curriculum will build on the knowledge pupils have previously acquired, including in other subjects, with regular feedback provided on pupil progress.
Lessons are planned to ensure that pupils of differing abilities, including the most able, are suitably challenged.
Each lesson begins with a Flash Back Four, these are four questions which link back to the previous learning. The children are assessed during and at the end of each learning unit.
AT Marsh Gibbon School we expect all of our children to understand and value how they fit into and contribute to the world.
- PSHE provision provides pupils with well-chosen opportunities and contexts to explore and embed new knowledge that can be used confidently in real life situations
- Pupils are able to form healthy, happy relationships with other children and adults and recognise the features of unhealthy relationships and have strategies to challenge negative behaviour of others and seek help when needed
- Pupils know how and when to ask for ask for help and where to access support
- Pupils are well informed and recognise the risks they may encounter both on and off line and are able to make safe choices
- Pupils are enabled to take responsibility for their actions and understand the implications and consequences of their own decisions
- Pupils are well prepared for the next steps of their lives
- Pupils have the knowledge, skills and attributes to live healthy, happy lives
- Pupils understand and respect differences between themselves and others
Information for Parents about the progression of knowledge and skills