Marsh Gibbon School Council 2022-23 Pupil voice is highly regarded within our school. One of the ways pupils can express their ideas is via the school council. The school council meets fortnightly to share and discuss views. Each class across the school has 2 main representatives that have been elected by their peers.
The children are enthusiastic members and are keen to fulfil their role as a Councillor.
What do the children think about school council? -our children think it is important that as a councillor they represent everyone in school and carry ideas forward from their peers in class. -our children believe they should be an outstanding role model to others in school, and wear a badge to be easily recognised. -our children think it is important to raise money for school and other school supported charities both in the local community and the wider world. -our children say that school council is fun and they enjoy coming to meetings to discuss important things.
October 2022Thank you to everyone who shared their election speeches with their classes. Each class has held an election and we are pleased to announce the following councillors for each class: EYFS: Rowan and HenryY1: Millie and GeorgeY2: Bryony and TedY3: Aubrey and LaraY4: Will and AliciaY5: Holly and ConnorY6: Keir and Ava
Agenda for 2022-23 Thank you so much to every class for all your amazing ideas. This year the council will be working as a team to act on your ideas. These are: Playground activities and leadersIntroduce lunch time clubs as well as new after school clubsHow to make the school more welcoming to visitorsSchool values Supporting charities
Actions so far (updated January 2023): Charities-Wear something spotty for Children in need day- November raised £Wear a Christmas jumper for Save the children- Dec raised £121 Red Nose day is coming up in March. Currently deciding which local and wider world charities we should support.
Lunch times-Quiet zone on the playground has been introduced in the gazebo. Quiet club at lunchtime 3 days per week. Children can go inside and colour, draw, read, lego, puzzles and other quiet, calm activities. Playground leaders are working with children at lunch times, providing activities on the all weather pitch.
School values:-The children have suggested some values that they feel are important and that reflect our school ethos.