It is our intention that, by the end of Year 6, all children at Marsh Gibbon CE School:
We will achieve this by:
The intended impact of our languages curriculum is for children to:
We assess the impact of our language curriculum through ongoing teacher assessment, book monitoring, drop-ins, formal observations and pupil voice, to ensure that children make good progress in French. More formal tracking of French assessment is planned in the next phase of curriculum developments, using the assessments provided by Language Angels.
It is our intention that, by the end of Year 6, all children at Marsh Gibbon CE School:
- Develop a love of language learning and an awareness of other cultures around the world
- Gain the French language skills as outlined in the National Curriculum in England
- Feel confident in their ability to speak French at an age-appropriate level
- Develop the skills to communicate in French for practical purposes with written and spoken French
- Want to continue their language learning outside of the classroom and beyond school
- Can write in French for a range of purposes and audiences as well as in a variety of layouts
- Understand the basic grammatical conventions of the French language
- Understand the basic phonetic building blocks of the French language
- Enjoy the opportunity and experience of learning other languages
- Develop a foundation for language learning skills that can be applied in further study, other languages and with developing a stronger understanding of the English language.
We will achieve this by:
- Creating everyday opportunities for children in KS2 year groups to use their French knowledge, such as answering the register, holding short conversations, ordering their lunch or listening to classroom instructions
- Practise French phonics and grammar during languages lessons
- Provide links to languages resources for children to further their languages learning, in French and other languages to provide further enrichment to their learning
- Creating active and enjoyable French lessons and avoiding passive approaches to language learning
- Creating activities which scale appropriately across all levels of language skill
- Creating activities which have purpose that is clear and relevant to the learners
- Using songs, games, roleplay, activity and daily routines
The intended impact of our languages curriculum is for children to:
- Be happy, confident and successful learners of French who are engaged and excited by languages
- Engage in purposeful dialogue in practical situations and express their opinions
- Make increasingly accurate attempts to read unfamiliar words, phrases and short texts
- Speak and read aloud with confidence and accuracy in pronunciation
- Demonstrate understanding of spoken language by listening and responding appropriately
- Be able to identify word classes in a sentence and apply grammatical rules they have learnt
- Be able to construct short texts on familiar topics
- Meet the end of Key Stage 2 expectations outlined in the National Curriculum in England
We assess the impact of our language curriculum through ongoing teacher assessment, book monitoring, drop-ins, formal observations and pupil voice, to ensure that children make good progress in French. More formal tracking of French assessment is planned in the next phase of curriculum developments, using the assessments provided by Language Angels.