School Governors
The Governing Body is legally responsible for the strategic management of the school. The Governing Board is made up of parents, members of the community and staff.
The Teaching & Learning Committee meets on a termly basis and oversees the learning and well-being aspects of the school.
The Management Committee meets on a termly basis and oversees business and administration matters.
In addition, all Governors meet termly for a Full Governing Body (FGB) meeting. There is an extra FGB in the Spring term to agree the school budget.
To contact our Governors or for further information please contact the school office.
The Teaching & Learning Committee meets on a termly basis and oversees the learning and well-being aspects of the school.
The Management Committee meets on a termly basis and oversees business and administration matters.
In addition, all Governors meet termly for a Full Governing Body (FGB) meeting. There is an extra FGB in the Spring term to agree the school budget.
To contact our Governors or for further information please contact the school office.
Miss Lucy Exley
Staff Governor Teaching & Learning Committee Staff Governor We have a vacancy for a parent governor |
Mrs Hannah Lyon
Parent Governor SEND & English Teaching & Learning Committee We have a vacancy for a parent governor |
Mrs Liza Thompson
Foundation Governor Management Committee Foundation Governor, RE, RSE / PHSE We have a vacancy for a
foundation governor |