School Governors
The Governing Body is legally responsible for the strategic management of the school. The Governing Board is made up of parents, members of the community and staff.
The Teaching & Learning Committee meets on a termly basis and oversees the learning and well-being aspects of the school.
The Management Committee meets on a termly basis and oversees business and administration matters.
In addition, all Governors meet termly for a Full Governing Body (FGB) meeting. There is an extra FGB in the Spring term to agree the school budget.
To contact our Governors or for further information please contact the school office.
The Teaching & Learning Committee meets on a termly basis and oversees the learning and well-being aspects of the school.
The Management Committee meets on a termly basis and oversees business and administration matters.
In addition, all Governors meet termly for a Full Governing Body (FGB) meeting. There is an extra FGB in the Spring term to agree the school budget.
To contact our Governors or for further information please contact the school office.
Management Committee Members:
Rob Lawrence - Chair
Alan Clements
Liza Thompson
Samantha Clements
Katie Sykes
Beth Brown
Alan Clements
Liza Thompson
Samantha Clements
Katie Sykes
Beth Brown
Teaching & Learning Committee Members:
Kim Price - Chair
Hannah Lyon
Alan Clements
Garcia Williams
Lucy Exley
Beth Brown
Hannah Lyon
Alan Clements
Garcia Williams
Lucy Exley
Beth Brown
Alan Clements Chair of Governors Foundation Governor Health & Safety Equalities Governor Performance Committee Management Committee Kim Price
Safeguarding Governor Early Years Governor Local Authority Governor Teaching & Learning Committee |
Rob Lawrence Vice Chair of Governors Local Authority Governor PE & Sport Champion Performance CommitteeManagement Committee Hannah Lyon
Parent Governor SEND Governor Pupil Premium Governor Performance Committee Teaching & Learning Committee |
Liza Thompson Foundation Governor Mathematics Governor Management Committee Garcia Williamson
Foundation Governor PSHE Governor Relationships & Sex Education Governor Curriculum Governor Teaching & Learning Committee |
Samantha Clements Parent Governor Development Governor Wellbeing Governor Management Committee Beth Brown
Headteacher Management Committee Teaching & Learning Committee |
Katie Sykes Parent Governor Data Protection Governor Digital & Technology Standards Governor English (Reading/Writing/Phonics) Governor Management Committee Lucy Exley
Staff Governor Teaching & Learning Committee |

MGS Governing Board Constitution | |
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