Home Learning
Please find below an outline of our remote learning offer for the current lockdown period and also resources that you may find useful.
Live Teaching
The teachers will be delivering a live lessons throughout each week for all areas of the curriculum.
The live lessons will be taught, via Google Classroom.
We are aware that in the current situation, more than one child may be at home in any one household, we have therefore staggered the times of the daily teaching with the aim to enable all families to access this.
Children will need to attend their live teaching session with access to a pencil case and paper. The lessons will be interactive, with the full engagement of all participants expected in order for each child to continue to engage with the curriculum remotely.
Curriculum Offer
All learning that is uploaded for the children will be uploaded onto Google Classroom. Please see our Remote Learning Policy and our 'Information on Remote Education Provision' below which outline the offer for all of our children across the school.
Live Teaching
The teachers will be delivering a live lessons throughout each week for all areas of the curriculum.
The live lessons will be taught, via Google Classroom.
We are aware that in the current situation, more than one child may be at home in any one household, we have therefore staggered the times of the daily teaching with the aim to enable all families to access this.
Children will need to attend their live teaching session with access to a pencil case and paper. The lessons will be interactive, with the full engagement of all participants expected in order for each child to continue to engage with the curriculum remotely.
Curriculum Offer
All learning that is uploaded for the children will be uploaded onto Google Classroom. Please see our Remote Learning Policy and our 'Information on Remote Education Provision' below which outline the offer for all of our children across the school.
Risk Assessment
Our in school risk assessment is a live document that all staff can access through Google Drive. It is continually reviewed and adapted to ensure the latest guidance is adhered to.
Remote Education Resources
The Oak National Academy
The Oak National Academy is a Government back resource which provides 180 free video lessons each week.
BBC Bitesize
The BBC is producing a range of lessons and resources to support your child's education.
Coronavirus - A Book for Children
Below is a link to a new book for 5 - 11 year old children explaining COVID19 in child's terms and is really well illustrated.
Please share with your children if you would like to:
Below is a link to a new book for 5 - 11 year old children explaining COVID19 in child's terms and is really well illustrated.
Please share with your children if you would like to:
Social Story
Below is a simpler book explaining why children have to stay at home.
Below is a simpler book explaining why children have to stay at home.
Further resources that may be useful: